Terms & Conditions
Terms & Conditions
Welcome to The Dance Place website. The Dance Place is a trading name for The Dance Place. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with the following terms and conditions of use, which together with our privacy policy, govern The Dance Place dealings with you in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of these terms and conditions, please do not use our website. The Dance Place may amend these terms and conditions at any time by posting the amended Terms and Conditions on the The Dance Place website. For more information on how your data will be used please read our Privacy Policy.
1.0 These terms and conditions apply to The Dance Place classes and courses given to students, applied for and consented to by the parent or guardian (referred to hereinafter as "student"). Changes to these terms and conditions require the written consent of The Dance Place.
2.0 Lesson times and fees are given in the Term Letter for each class/course. An application will only be deemed to have been accepted if accompanied by the payment/transfer of the required deposit. Receipt of the application and any deposit or fees paid at the time of application will be confirmed in writing along with all relevant course details and acceptance of any student is not confirmed until that letter has been issued.
3.0 Methods of Payment Cash (only evening classes) Online (via PayPal, Stripe or BACs)
4.0 All students must register online at www.thedanceplace.org.uk to participate in any classes/courses/events. When registering parents/guardians and students are accepting the conditions stated below as well as the Terms and Conditions of The Dance Place. Permission for photographs of my child to be used within the dance school/on dance school website/for local newspaper reports (Child Names will not be used) and on Social Media Sites associated with The Dance Place. These photographs will immediately be deleted from the device that was used once they are shared.
5.0 The term dates for the following term will be made known in writing at the end of each term.
6.0 Cancellation - If a student wishes to cancel their place in class or on a course no refund can be given for payments that have already been made. However, all payments must be made up until the date that The Dance Place are notified.
7.0 At The Dance Place a certain level of behaviour and conduct towards fellow students and instructors is expected and therefore The Dance Place reserves the right to exclude students from lessons at its discretion. No refund will be given.
8.0 If a student has not paid for the class/course The Dance Place and its instructors reserve the right to exclude a student from said class until payment has been made.
9.0 The Dance Place reserves the right to make changes to the timetable and to the teaching staff.
10.0 Fees are reviewed at the discretion of The Dance Place and may change from the previous half-term.
11.0 In the event of a lesson being cancelled by The Dance Place, this will be credited next half-term and therefore deducted from the half-termly fee.
12.0 In the instance of holidays The Dance Place will only give a refund for that lesson if informed at the beginning of term.
13.0 Students participate at their own risk and are obliged to inform The Dance Place and its instructors of any existing injuries or medical conditions.
14.0 Students are obliged to take care of their own belongings. The Dance Place can accept no liability for lost or damaged belongings.
15.0 If a PRIVATE lesson is arranged with an instructor the liability for the lesson fee and room hire does not lie with The Dance Place - this must be arranged with the instructor prior to the lesson.
16.0 When registering you are adhering to all the above terms and conditions. This is clearly visible when you registered.
"By registering I authorise the email address that I have provided to be used by The Dance Place and consent to becoming a part of my child's class/es mailing list/s plus receiving information relating, and not limited to, new classes, class information, notifications, Holiday Club emails, emails regarding dance wear, exams and competitions. For more information on 'How my data will be used' please see policies. I also consent to my child/ren's emergency contact and medical information being recorded by The Dance Place for important situations that may arise whilst my child is registered with The Dance Place. I understand that it is my responsibility to update this information should it change and my data will be retained in this database until I notify The Dance Place by emailing thedanceplace.tdp@outlook.com. By registering to the The Dance Place website I am accepting the terms and conditions and I understand the protection policies that are in place to protect The Dance Place instructors and students."
COVID 19 Waiver
Date Updated: 18th September 2020
Coronavirus/ COVID 19 has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organisation. COVID 19 is extremely contagious and is believed to be spread from person to person contact. It is believed an individual can be infected with COVID-19 without their knowledge and spread without knowledge.
The Dance Place has put in place and continues to put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID 19 in line with government guidelines and our awarding bodies. This document will be continuously updated to fall in line with government guideline announcements. However, The Dance Place cannot guarantee that any teacher or anyone else will not become infected with COVID 19. Participation in The Dance Place classes/lessons could increase the risk of contracting COVID 19 however by confirming you agree to this policy you understand the contagious nature of COVID 19 and voluntarily assume the risk that you and your family may be exposed to or infected by COVID 19.
To reduce the risk The Dance Place have put in place the following measures and also the expectations of our students.
- No parents/ guardians to enter the building or wait in the building during classes. Parents may enter the building in emergency circumstances. Teachers will meet children outside the door at their arrival time and let children in. On collection parents must also wait outside (at an advisory 2m distance from others). It is advised only one person to drop off and collect child.
-The Dance Place advise where possible public transport is not used to attend our classes.
-There will be a specific arrival time and collection for your child- this is 5 minutes prior to your class start time these are staggered in between classes. Please make sure you arrive at this time as if late to class your child will not be permitted. Collection is also important to be on time. It is advised parents queue to the left of the main door, look out for the cones (socially distanced).
-Children will need to be bare feet in classes, please send your child in sliders or boots with no fixing.
-Children will be required to bring their own bag with all belongings in, including enough drink (as ideally kitchen and sink taps should not be used), tissues and plasters.
-Children can also pack their own hand sanitiser if the parent/guardian chooses to.
-In classes music will be played at a lower level to avoid shouting or talking louder. Teachers will where possible teach at a lower volume.
-Teachers will be mindful of higher intensity training, which is dependent on spacing, ventilation, travelling combinations and this will be reduced where possible.
-Where possible staff will teach facing the mirror.
-Children will be in their own ‘fixed’ bubbles that they will stay with for until further notice. This will have up to 9 participants.
-No cash will be taken. Online payments will be accepted only.
-There will be little use of our equipment for now. Should someone ‘leave’ the school a replacement student will not join that bubble until at least 2 weeks later.
-All enrolment forms and policies are online.
-Uniform orders are available online and will be handed out at the end of class. Children should not try on any new uniform at the premises.
-Children will have a spot to stand near, these will be their allocated spaces and will be at least 2 metres distanced from others. Children will also have their bag and shoes in a personal storage box in the corridor. Please do not send with phones etc as The Dance Place will not be responsible for loss of items.
-There will be no physical contact in classes currently. This is between children (unless siblings) and also teacher supporting.
-All staff will wear a face visor and stand at a 2m+ distance from groupings as they may move in-between bubbles. We have kept this impact as low as possible.
-In an emergency or what is seen as a first aid issue social distancing may not take place this also includes accident, fire, first aid or break in. This will be instructor’s discretion and parent/guardian will be made aware of this.
-If time permits instructors will put on full PPE however this is only if time in the emergency permits.
-The site will be thoroughly cleaned before each bubble.
-There will be cleaning by staff before class, in-between classes and after class focusing on regular touched areas or equipment and ‘mini 5-10 minutes’ clean and hand-washing times for any classes longer than 1.5 hours. Paper towels or dryers will also be available in toilets.
-There will be posters reminding students about social distancing and good hygiene.
-Customers to make us aware of any dryness or cracking on skin and to make us aware of any other medical issues. Please ensure this is up to date on your class4kids account.
-We advise our parents/ guardians to discuss with their child about good hygiene, good hand washing techniques, avoiding touching their face and to cough and sneeze in a tissue/sleeve of the arm.
-On arrival and collection, it is advised children use the hand sanitiser provided prior to entering building or are welcome to use their own.
-In between sessions there will be a break for staff to clean and disinfect commonly touched areas that may have been touched, including equipment used.
-In the event of a COVID positive test, it will be discussed with hirer and correct measurements taken to clean infected area.
-Where possible windows and doors will be opened to allow for fresh air to enter the space however this is temperature dependant.
-The front door of the venue will always be left open and monitored by an additional instructor.
-In the Event of Coronavirus Symptoms or Positive Case, children should not attend if they have any coronavirus related symptoms, currently have coronavirus or if they are in self isolation.
-If a participant (dancer or teacher) is sent home from school/work because there is a confirmed case in their school/work bubble and told they must isolate for 10-14 days they cannot come to The Dance Place in that time period, even if they have had a negative test or no symptoms. The participant can log on to Zoom and join in the class virtually.
-If a participant's sibling/household member is isolating under the advice of Track & Trace or their school/work, and remains well with no symptoms, the student and the household can continue to attend The Dance Place.
-If someone in a participant's household - not the participant - has a POSITIVE test, and the participant has been to The Dance Place (and that participant remains symptomless) we will not close the bubble. This is because the teacher and the other participants are SECONDARY contacts. The participant in question however will have to isolate with their household. The participant can log on to Zoom and join in the class virtually.
-If someone who has come to The Dance Place has SYMPTOMS, but no positive test, we will keep the bubble open until we know the results of the test. Obviously, the participant with symptoms cannot attend while awaiting test results. The participant can log on to Zoom and join in the class virtually.
-If someone in a household with one of the participants has SYMPTOMS, we will advise you to isolate until the outcome of the test. The participant can log on to Zoom and join in the class virtually.
-If at any point the teacher of the bubble has to isolate the bubble/zoom class will be covered by another teacher.
By agreeing to our policies via class4kids registration you understand and agree that you will not send your child/ children to dance tuition, performances, competitions, shows or any other event ran by The Dance Place if they have symptoms or are positive of COVID- 19, otherwise known as coronavirus. The most common symptoms include but are not limited to, onset of a new continuous cough or a high temperature or a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia).
-Should a student get symptoms during class the parents/ guardians will be called to collect immediately (please check your details are correct on class4kids), child will be moved into the hall. Parent/guardian will then be advised to take the student straight home and follow the below guidelines. All other children in that bubble will also be sent home and parents/guardians made aware.
-If a child has any Coronavirus symptoms we advise to go and have a Coronavirus test (more details can be found on GOV.UK website). If the test is negative and child is well, they can return to the studio. If a negative test shows but the child is still unwell, they should not return to setting until recovered. If a child tests positive, you must inform The Dance Place as soon as possible and The Dance Place will inform all students within that bubble. All students in the bubble must isolate for 2 weeks. These classes will be held on zoom during this time. There will be no refunds in this instance.
-Any student/teacher or family member who is tested positive for COVID-19 up to two weeks post event dates must immediately inform The Dance Place. The bubble that is affected will immediately be notified including students/parents/teachers- this may mean self-isolation for all bubble members for up to 14 days. Should this occur while classes are running, the bubble affected will be closed at the studio and resumed on zoom. Spaces deep cleaned immediately follow government guidance.
Extra Precautions -All staff have undergone a COVID-19 awareness certification, safeguarding and First Aid qualification.
-All staff will have a bag with hand sanitiser, first aid kit, spare face masks, face shield, soap, paper towels, posters, apron, gloves, cloths and cleaning products.
-It is advised BAME and those listed as ‘vulnerable’ customers understand research may show there is a higher risk of contraction of COVID-19 and so should contact us to confirm they feel the environment is suited for their individual needs.
-Any medical conditions particular those with respiratory conditions and asthma should discuss with us first to confirm that this is the correct environment and you understand the risks .We will not do hands on first aid unless an emergency or if we feel it is needed.
-We advise students to go the toilet at home before coming to class.
-A care into the mental health and wellbeing of our children will also be considered throughout on our return. Instructors have undertaken a mental health awareness course. The Dance Place will share a video tour on what may be different on our premises to ease any anxiety. We will discuss personally with parents/guardians via message or call regarding any concerns we have. We would also like to ask our parents/guardians to also make us aware of any mental health changes and how we can help aid this in our sessions.
-All parents/guardians will need to let us know if they have travelled out of the country in last two weeks and if so which country, student has not experienced shortness of breath, cough or high temperature in past 14 days and they haven’t knowingly been in contact with anyone with COVID-19 who has tested positive in last 14 days.
-We support the NHS Test and Trace system and required details will be on our system for 21 days. If any parents/ visitors enter we will also need data, as advised.
-We advise all parents/guardians to please keep up to date with the ever-changing development of this new disease on the GOV.UK website and should anyone feel we are not doing enough please contact us to make us aware. If there is a complaint, please see Complaints Process in the parent’s policy. I hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge and hold harmless The Dance Place and its sub-contractors, employees, directors, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to the above.
Online Class Waiver
Anyone who wishes to partake in our ZOOM/ pre-recorded or any other online classes/advice or guidance we offer must adhere to the following terms and conditions.
-All students should be in good health and physically capable to take part in the activity. If you have any underlying health conditions, injury or medical advice which may limit you in areas, we advise you do not do the activity.
-The area/ space you use should be fit for purpose including but not limited to floor type, flat surface, clear of obstruction and large enough to accommodate what is being taught.
-Any student under 18 must have an adult in attendance and cameras (for zoom/live classes) must be on at all times due to safeguarding and child protection.
-You understand when participating in any physical activity there is a risk of injury and you agree to participate at your own risk and The Dance Place will not be liable for any injuries or damage arising out of participation.
-You agree to being recorded or photographed for marketing purposes.
-You will not record or take photos of other participating students. You hereby release, covenant not to sue, discharge and hold harmless The Dance Place and its sub-contractors, employees, directors, of and from the Claims, including all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs or expenses of any kind arising out of or relating to the above.